Please consider making a donation towards one of the needs above.

Wish #1 

To obtain a facility dedicated to our mission. Presently, we pay to use space in a community church. There is not enough storage, cooking ovens, refrigeration and freezer space to accommodate and continue our growth. The estimated cost of a new building and equipment would be one million dollars.

Wish #2

Our second wish is for financial help with our day to day operating expenses; to pay our staff, rent, utilities, supplies and other expenses that total over $100,000 a year.

Wish #3

To purchase paper supplies and non-food items. The estimated yearly cost is $5,000.

To purchase fresh vegetables for food preparation. The estimated yearly cost is $5,000.

Wish #4

Our fourth wish is for commercial display shelves for produce, can goods, meat, dairy, and frozen foods. The estimated cost is $1,000 each, total $5,000.

Get Involved

We are always looking to spread the word. You can help either with volunteering to prepare and serve food on Monday or Wednesday or by raising funds for a donation at your place of business or in your neighborhood. Please contact us to discuss a variety of ways to be involved.

You may always come by and say hi
Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday starting at - 1.00 pm